A playful reminder that it's time to take out the trash

You never notice when your bin is full
BananaBin reminds you to clear it in time

Get it nowLatest version: 0.0.2

  1. empty bin
  2. full bin
  3. bin with flies

As seen on

The bin is alive!

When your bin takes up a lot of diskspace BananaBin makes that visible by adding interactive flies to your bin.

  1. Configure the diskspace threshold in the app by clicking on the tiny Banana.

  2. When the threshold is triggered flies start buzzing.

  3. More flies are added every hour.

  4. Clear the bin, or hover over it to scare away the flies.

Try BananaBin for free while we’re in beta! 🪰

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Settings panel in the app


How do I install BananaBin?

  1. First we download the app package.

  2. Open the package and drag the BananaBin icon to the Applications folder.

  3. Open your Applications folder and double click the BananaBin app.

  4. BananaBin needs Accessibility rights (to find the bin) and Disk access rights (to check if it’s full).

  5. When all lights are green, this banana should now be visible in your menu bar.

I don’t see any flies?

First make sure there’s enough trash in your bin.

You can configure the minimum amount of bytes required to trigger the flies animation in the BananaBin menubar menu.

Please note that BananaBin currently only takes into account local trash. We’re working on adding iCloud trash and external trash support.

Trash is just everywhere on MacOS. 🗑️

How can I change settings?

Click the banana in your menubar.

Make sure it isn’t hiding behind the notch.

Is there a Windows version?

No, this is Mac only.

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